This function is used to download a GitHub archive of a specific project. The following table showcases documentation for parameters used by this function

# Arguments

Index Status Description
1 Required GitHub user or organization from which the project comes from
2 Required Project/repository name from which an archive will be made from. This is also used as the filename for the downloaded tarball unless parameter 5 is given
3 Required Specific parameter which appends the given version number to the downloaded tarball filename
4 Required Release tag, branch name, or git hash from which an archive will be made from
5 Not required Specifies a different name for the downloaded tarball. Use this if the tarball name is different than the repository name specified in parameter 3

There many ways in which you can manipulate this specific function in your Makefile. The examples below showcase most instances

# Examples

# Tag example



# URL:     https://github.com/quiprr/appuninst/archive/v1.0.0.tar.gz
# tarball: $(BUILD_SOURCE)/appuninst-1.0.0.tar.gz

# Commit example

ZBRFIRMWARE_COMMIT := e4b7cf07bb491ecdbf08519063d7a9fa16aefdb8


# URL:     https://github.com/zbrateam/Firmware/archive/e4b7cf07bb491ecdbf08519063d7a9fa16aefdb8.tar.gz
# tarball: $(BUILD_SOURCE)/Firmware-e4b7cf07bb491ecdbf08519063d7a9fa16aefdb8.tar.gz

# Branch example

$(call GITHUB_ARCHIVE,tihmstar,jssy,master,master)

# URL:     https://github.com/tihmstar/jssy/archive/master.tar.gz
# tarball: $(BUILD_SOURCE)/jssy-master.tar.gz

# Different tarball name example

GHOSTBIN_COMMIT := 0e0a3b72c3379e51bf03fe676af3a74a01239a47

$(call GITHUB_ARCHIVE,DHowett,spectre,v$(GHOSTBIN_COMMIT),$(GHOSTBIN_COMMIT),ghostbin)

# URL:     https://github.com/DHowett/spectre/archive/0e0a3b72c3379e51bf03fe676af3a74a01239a47.tar.gz
# tarball: $(BUILD_SOURCE)/ghostbin-v0e0a3b72c3379e51bf03fe676af3a74a01239a47.tar.gz
Last Updated: 2/13/2023, 5:03:54 PM